Join us!
Embark on an exhilarating herping expedition with us as we visit the diverse landscapes of Kenya in search of fascinating reptiles and amphibians. Join our expert guides for an unforgettable adventure, delving into the hidden world of these captivating creatures amidst Kenya's breathtaking wilderness. Your participation not only promises an enriching experience but also directly funds our vital conservation, education, and research projects, helping the preservation of Kenya's rich biodiversity for generations to come.

Kenya's last rainforest
In the lush Kakamega rainforest of Kenya, we venture out for the thrill of spotting vipers, navigating the dense foliage and damp conditions with keen eyes and a sense of adventure. This trip offers a unique way to connect with the natural world and the fascinating wildlife that calls Kakamega forest home.
High altitude moorlands
Ascending the high slopes of Mount Kenya, we search for endemic chameleons, the Kenya Montane Viper, and skinks. You will be mesmerized by the stunning vistas that unfold beneath the crisp, cold nights and pleasantly warm days. Amidst the rugged terrain, each discovery offers a glimpse into the rich biodiversity thriving in the high-altitude wilderness.

The Greater Tsavo Ecosystem
Venturing into the vast expanse of Tsavo's endless plains, where elephants, buffalo, and secretary birds roam freely, we embark on a unique safari-meets-herping expedition, seeking out Kenya's most notorious serpents - the black mamba, puff adder, and red spitting cobras. In this fusion of traditional safari and adventurous exploration, each encounter with these elusive reptiles adds an exhilarating twist to our journey through the heart of the wild.
Arid Savannas and Freshwater lakes
Exploring the dry habitat surrounding Lake Baringo, we eagerly seek for pythons, grey phased red spitting cobras, and leopard tortoises, while keeping a wary eye out for lurking crocodiles. Amidst this rugged landscape, the ever-present threat of carpet vipers adds a sobering element, emphasizing the delicate balance between human activity and the untamed wilderness.